
next-door neighbor, who is also a beautician, has really surprised me with her acceptance. Since she has known that I am a TV, she has given me makeup, jewelry, clothes and a new blow-cut wig from her shop. I can use her shop facilities to dress whenever I wish.

Recently, she, my wife and I went on a TV outing to a local city within an hour's drive from where we live. We took in shopping at different stores and later spent two hours in a cocktail lounge where I was even asked to dance. What a beautiful evening! My success is due largely to your informative publication, Virginia, and should you decide to print the foregoing account, I can only hope that will be of some benefit to other TV's and wives.


What can I say that's not been said of dressing "femme" from toe to head; of feeling good; of feeling free; of loving life; of being me?

What can I say that's fresh, that's new? What words to use in telling you

of joy, of peace, of calm I feel, of happiness, of being real?

What can I say? I just don't know.

I wish new words would come to show

my heart, my mind, my inner light, my smile, my knowing that I'm right.

So here I sit with pen in hand, perhaps it's best that I should stand and show, and speak and shout if need of heart at peace, of spirit freed.


Judy WI-10-B